Home Joel Himelfarb

Joel Himelfarb

Joel Himelfarb is a veteran journalist with over 30 years of experience as an editor, author, reporter, and researcher. He served as an associate editor at the conservative weekly magazine Human Events before joining The Washington Times. At the newspaper, he worked as an editorial writer, reporting on the Virginia General Assembly from Richmond. He specialized in coverage of national issues, including federal housing and environmental policy, as well as welfare and health-care reform.

For over a decade, Joel worked at Near East Report, AIPAC’s flagship publication, starting as an assistant editor before being promoted to managing editor. He covered the start of the first Gulf War from Tel Aviv, reporting on the first Scud rocket attacks. Joel also covered the Oslo accord and Israel’s efforts to negotiate peace with Syria and the Palestinians.

During his time with AIPAC, Joel co-authored “Myths and Facts,” a concise history of the Arab-Israeli conflict. He subsequently returned to The Washington Times, where he served as assistant editorial page editor. Joel helped oversee the editing of the editorial and opinion pages of the paper while contributing hundreds of op-eds, editorials, and book reviews on issues ranging from the second Palestinian intifada and the Iraq War to FISA, immigration, civil rights, and crime.

Throughout his career, he has interviewed political and judicial figures such as Bob Dole, Ted Kennedy, Jimmy Carter, and Antonin Scalia. His work has been featured in various media outlets including the Wall Street Journal, CNN, The American Spectator, CSPAN, Middle East Quarterly, Newsmax, and Policy Review.

Articles By Joel Himelfarb

Arab Spring or Islamist Winter?

November 30, 2011

The Middle East has been shaken to its foundation since December 17, 2010, when Mohamed Bouazizi, a 26-year-old Tunisian vendor, poured a flammable liquid over his body and set himself on fire to protest a lifetime of harassment from police and bureaucrats. In Tunisia, the impact of Bouazizi’s suicidal act (he died 18 days later) […]

Would Iran Provide A Nuclear Weapon to Terrorists?

November 30, 2009

The United States seeks to negotiate an end to Iran’s bid for nuclear weapons. U.S. and European officials have laid out scenarios whereby Iran could potentially threaten the surrounding Arab states, Israel, or even Europe with missiles equipped with nuclear warheads. But there is strikingly little discussion among policymakers about the possibility Iran might share […]

The Pitfalls of Socialized Medicine

May 31, 2008

For all the life-saving technology and drugs available to Americans, the U.S. health care system has serious problems. Many medications, especially prescription drugs, are prohibitively expensive. Quality of care varies widely from hospital to hospital and region to region. The cost of individual or family health insurance policies are on the rise (more than $4,000 […]