Home inContext Our First Entry: From Executive Director Matthew Brooks

Our First Entry: From Executive Director Matthew Brooks

Ronald Reagan once said, “information is the oxygen of the modern age.”

At the Jewish Policy Center, we hope to inject fresh air into America’s critical policy debates with our new blog.

Check back with us regularly for unique perspectives on foreign and domestic policies that don’t just impact the American Jewish community. Indeed, our analyses are of interest to the entire American public.

These pages will soon be filled with straightforward interpretations of the day’s news. Our blog will arm readers with information to engage successfully in the public debate about the dangers of Middle East dictators, terrorism, radical Islam, weapons of mass destruction, and other threats to international security. You will also see our thoughts and commentary about domestic policies, with an eye towards smaller government, lower taxes, and free trade, among other issues. There will even be updates on the struggle taking place on America’s college campuses to combat the anti-American, anti-Israel and anti-Semitic sentiments so often forwarded by leftist faculty members and students.

We hope you enjoy our new website, our newly-designed and expanded quarterly journal called inFocus, and this blog.