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Stephen Bryen

Articles By Stephen Bryen

Attacks Have Consequences: Israel Responds to Yemen

July 21, 2024

Hodeida, Yemen, a port operated by Houthi terrorists is burning. Israel bombed a large weapons depot there. The strike was retaliation for a drone strike on Tel Aviv by the Houthis, who were likely aiming for the US Consulate located adjacent to the beach. The drone missed by about 1,000 feet and instead hit an […]

Imperial NATO is on the Way

July 11, 2024

NATO is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The name should have been changed long ago, when NATO shifted its focus and operations south and eastward. NATO is shifting once again, most seriously by expanding its membership without any serous planning about how to secure its new flanks. Outgoing NATO Chief  Jens Stoltenberg said last month that China should face consequences […]

America’s Failed Promise About Iran

April 22, 2024

The Iranian government said its rocket and missile attack was “measured and moderate,” and that it could have, but did not choose to, launch a much bigger strike on Israel. Iran’s supporters in Europe and the United States appear to have agreed and spent much of last week counseling Israel to show restraint and forego […]