Home inContext HIzbullah’s Arab Israeli Spies in the IDF

HIzbullah’s Arab Israeli Spies in the IDF

Just after the IDF revealed it arrested a non-commissioned officer for spying for Hizbullah, the Jerusalem Post reports that the Lebanese group was targeting Druse and Beduin soldiers for anti-Israel espionage.

Sgt.-Maj. Louai Balut, from Fassuta in the northern Galilee, was arrested for selling information to Hizbullah. Security officials warned of Hizbullah’s growing use of Israeli Arabs and Druse soldiers as spies, but stressed that Druse and Beduin soldiers were a major asset, and that the country would not allow the Balut case to tarnish their service to the State of Israel.

As analyst Barak Seener notes in the most recent issue of inFOCUS Quarterly, Arab Israelis pose a growing danger to Israel’s security. Read his article here.