U.S.-Israel Relations
President Donald Trump signed a $717 billion National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for fiscal year 2018, which included $3.8 billion of assistance to the Jewish state. The NDAA also mandates that U.S. work with Israel to address “capability gaps” in anti-drone technologies, provides $50 million for cooperation to counter-tunnel threats, and temporarily prohibits the delivery of F-35 fighter jets to Turkey.
Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX)and Joe Donnelly (D-IN) introduced a bill condemning Hamas and Hezbollah for using human shields when attacking Israel. The measure also calls for the U.S. introduce a UN Security Council resolution and sanctions targeting individuals and firms responsible for helping terrorist organizations violate international laws of war.
A Foreign Policy report indicates that White House Senior Advisor Jared Kushner is seeking to temporarily halt $200 million in aid payments to the Palestinians in an attempt to force the Palestinian Authority leadership to the negotiation a peace agreement with Israel.
The IDF appointed its first female commander to lead a flight squadron, heading the Air Force 122nd intelligence Squadron.
Israeli Military Technology
The Israel-U.S. Binational Industrial Research and Development Foundation (BIRD-F) will invest $2 million in a joint venture between Israel Aerospace Industries and the U.S firm TLC to develop a new search and rescue technology called Res-Q-Cell. The system helps first responders find individuals trapped under rubble or debris through the precise location of cell phones. IAI and TLC hope to reduce the size of the system and enable its deployment to drones.
Military Sales
The Israeli Navy awarded Elbit a $85 million contract to supply Electronic Warfare systems, including, radio receivers and signal analytic tools, on Sa’ar 6 class corvettes.
Boeing has reportedly refused to sell the Israeli Air Force (IAF) used 767 aircraft that IAI would convert to custom multi-mission tankers. Boeing has its own line of tankers to compete with IAI’s converted tankers, but repeated delays have plagued the new KC-46 Pegasus.
The Indian government lifted a 2006 purchase ban on IAI and Rafael products after a recently closed investigation cleared the two Israeli companies of corruption.
The Pentagon rewarded Elbit a $7.2 million contract to install 120 modernized V-22 Osprey displays for the U.S. and foreign militaries.