Home Multimedia Video: A Conversation on Public Health with Tevi Troy

Video: A Conversation on Public Health with Tevi Troy

Dr. Tevi Troy June 17, 2021

Event Date: June 17, 2021

For 18 months, public health has been the driving story of American life: what we knew, what we did, what we weren’t prepared for, and what to do next. Trauma and upheaval have eroded the public’s faith in important government-related institutions and in the political establishment. But some strengths emerged as well. Join Tevi Troy and Shoshana Bryen to explore the impact of COVID-19 on our society and steps to take as the pandemic recedes, at least in the U.S.

Tevi Troy, Ph.D., is a presidential historian, a former White House aide, and a JPC Fellow. He previously served as Deputy Secretary of HHS and is author of Shall We Wake the President and Fight House: Rivalries in the White House from Truman to Trump.

for more by Tevi Troy, see these recent articles: