Home Michael Medved

Michael Medved

Michael Medved is a nationally syndicated radio talk show host and bestselling author. His daily three hour show reaches 200 stations across the country and an audience of 4 million people. Mr. Medved is the author of twelve books, including the bestsellers “What Really Happened to the Class of ’65?,” “Hollywood vs. America,” “Right Turns,, “The 10 Big Lies About America” and its companion “The 5 Big Lies About American Business”. Mr. Medved’s columns on politics and media appear regularly in the Wall Street Journal and USA Today, where he is a member of the Board of Contributors.

Born in Philadelphia, he attended schools in San Diego and Los Angeles before gaining admission to Yale at age 16 as a National Merit Scholar. He majored in American History and graduated with honors, before attending Yale Law School.


Articles By Michael Medved

Jewish Policy Center Forum in Cleveland

October 15, 2015

Nearly 400 people turned out on a rainy night in Cleveland to attend the Jewish Policy Center’s October Forum. Best-selling author and radio host Michael Medved moderated the program as panelists John Podhoretz, Jennifer Dyer and Clifford May considered “What Next?” for Israel and the United States in the Middle East. Noting that the American […]

Roundtable with JPC Fellows

March 27, 2012

inSIGHT: Is it possible that there is an unbridgeable gap between what we call Western civilization and the Arab/Muslim World? If so, what are the best policy options for the United States going forward? Michael Medved: No gaps among nations are unbridgeable, but gaps between ideologies can and do count as unbridgeable and irreconcilable. There […]

Rockets Illuminate Three-Way Choice for Embattled States

June 3, 2008

When faced with a deadly and determined foe, a nation must choose among three policy goals: negotiation, isolation, or military victory. The rockets from Gaza that rain on Israel nearly every day should remind the world – and the United States in particular – that only one of these strategies stands a chance of success. […]